Dangar Island
Committee meetings are held on the first Saturday
of each month
contact us if you would like to join a committee meeting.
President: Terry Stewart
Secretary: Wendy McMurdo
Treasurer: Oliver Brown
Member: Stephen Boyle
Member: David Ruppin
Member: David Noakes
Member: Jacky Korner
Member: Bronek Karcz
Member: Peter Godbolt
Member: Ken Smith
Member: Delicia Moraledas
Mullet Mail: Run by committee
The League is trialling new ways of addressing difficult issues within the island and broader river communities.
To find out more about Citizen's Assemblies, please read the attached document.
An Introduction - Citizen's Assemblies.
The Dangar Island League is a formally registered entity acting on behalf of the residents of Dangar Island.
Established in 1953 as the Dangar Island Improvement League, its members are made up of residents and ratepayers. Via an eight-person volunteer committee, issues are taken up on behalf of the islanders and worked through with the relevant authorities to achieve resolution.
The objectives of the League
to further the interests of the Dangar Island community and to exercise stewardship of our environment.
This involves:
championing the common interests of islanders on issues affecting our way of life;
safeguarding and promoting the enhancement of our natural environment, water-access, residential amenity and recreational resources of the island; and
ensuring that the needs of visitors and their impact on the island is recognised.
We do this by:
holding regular public meetings to allow community views on particular issues to be aired and discussed;
representing the collective views of members and influencing external bodies such as Hornsby Shire Council, Sydney Water, Electricity and other utility providers, Maritime, NSW Police, NSW Rural Fire Service etc; and
regularly communicating through the quarterly Mullet Mail and this website to provide up to date information on a range of issues.
The League elects a committee each year to coordinate and lead activities, supported if required by issue-specific sub-committees.
Maximising the membership of the League (and active participation) ensures that a broader consensus on important matters is better established, and our collective voice is stronger when seeking to influence external authorities to take into account island-specific concerns that may otherwise have been missed.
The League's constitution can be accessed here.
Dangar Island 2021 - 2023
Your nine community representatives on the Dangar Island League come from many walks of life and parts of the island.
Among the nine there are long-term and new residents, tenants and freeholders, pet owners, environmentalists, young families, inlanders, fore-shorers, those with and without boat access or mobile reception, and with and without boats and cars.
We aim to create ways that bring together diverse interests, skills, experiences, and knowledge in our community. In 2020 we conducted a survey to chart our community's priorities, visions, ideas and concerns.
We invite you to join us at our committee meetings which are held on the first Saturday of each month. The times, agendas and minutes for these gatherings will be posted onto the Dangar Island League website before each meeting.
If you need to contact us on any matter before then you can speak to - Stephen Boyle, Sunny South, Wendy McMurdo, Brenda Hall, Ana Pollak, Oliver Brown, Terry Stewart, David Noakes or Michael Dean.