Gas Bottle Safety
In a bush fire event what should you do?
All gas bottles MUST be stored upright.
Always point the 'Pressure Release Valve' away from your house or flammable objects.
Large bottles should be turned off, but remain in place.
Small bottles should be disconnected and moved to a safe area away from the house.
For further information see the ELGAS site.
Dangar Island
Rural Fire Brigade
dial 000
Please note that siren tests are conducted at 9 a.m. on the first Sunday of each month.
This page has been designed to keep you up to date with your local brigade's activities and also provide links to important tools and information to help you prepare your property from the threat of fire. Dangar Island has its own volunteer Brigade, with a truck and boat to attend on island and on river hazard reduction activities and fire calls.
We always welcome new members, be they active fire fighting members or members who want to assist in the support of the Brigade in other important ways. Brigade meetings are held on the first Sunday of each month at 9am followed by on-island training activities.
Fire Ratings have Changed.
Are you prepared?
It is your responsibility to prepare yourself, your family and your home for the threat of bush fire.
The Dangar Island brigade encourages all island residents to prepare a Bush Fire Survival Plan. Using on-line resources it takes just 5 minutes to create a plan.
Completing the RFS checklists for 'Leave Early' and 'Stay and Defend' will allow you and your household to assess the best options for you.
Additional community resources provided by the Rural Fire Service can be accessed via the NSW Rural Fire Service website here.

Pile Burns
Burning off vegetation requires a permit from Hornsby Shire Council ALL YEAR ROUND.
In addition, during the Bushfire Danger Period, an additional inspection and permit from the Brigade is required. Contact Hornsby Shire Council on 02 9847 6666 or go online here to begin the permit application process. If you require a Brigade permit, the Council office will give you the contact details once your Council permit is approved.